HSE & Other Policies

HSE Policy

For DBN ENERGIES, Health, Safety and Environmental Protection are a top priority and an integral part of our business. Our commitment to HSE is deeply ingrained into all our business processes – from our People and Projects to the Equipment, Technology and Facilities that we utilise.




DBN ENERGIES has developed a HSE Management system which is strictly implemented at the start of each and every project that the company engages in. We have built a dedicated HSE training center on our Port Harcourt base where we provide ongoing education and training to all our people.

DBN ENERGIES’ goal for Health and Safety is to be “accident / injury free” during the course of our construction activities. DBN ENERGIES’ senior management team is directly involved in ensuring that our safety policy is enforced during projects and that effective measures are taken to prevent accidents and injuries. Employees are encouraged to work safely and comply with the requirements of DBN ENERGIES’ Safety Manual, Safety Plan and Safety Rules.

In 2006 and 2009, DBN ENERGIES was the recipient of three prestigious awards from Nigeria LNG Limited in recognition of successfully completing:


– 2,000,000 Construction Man-Hours without a Lost Time Injury at the beginning of the project.

– Two (2) years without LTI.

– 5,000,000 Construction Man-Hours and without a Lost Time Injury towards the end of the project.


As an environmentally conscious company, DBN ENERGIES looks for the best solutions to minimize the environmental impact of our business activities. We encourage our employees to work with caution and find innovative ways of carrying out their activities in order to safeguard the environment.